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Sounds absolutely refreshing and wonderful! I have enjoyed reading your blog very much for several years now -- your pictures are always interesting and well-done, and your writing is so evocative that I can almost "see and feel" what you're describing. Thank you for blogging about your experiences. :)


Vous avez bien raison de profiter de vos dernieres vacances à 2,tes photos me donnent faim...AH oui j'oubliais...top GLAMOUR les poses sur la plage....


Looks like you had a really fun and laid-back trip! Thanks for sharing, Amy. I enjoy your posts immensely :)


Love your sandcastles !
I have really enjoyed your blof over the past few years, and wish you both all happiness for the future.

Gen Kanai

Thanks for this nice trip report. We're looking for some beaches to visit before the end of summer and we may go out this way (although the sand fleas don't sound fun.)

Gen Kanai

"these days I'm lucky if I sleep past 5:30"

Once you have your baby, you'll be lucky if you sleep past 5:30 ...


Looking Blissful!

The picture of you looking at your toes is so cute! Thanks for sharing pictures of your trip...


Looks like a lovely last trip.
The sandcastles are rather unusual. Interesting, but different than ones we make here.


The sandcastles look like they were designed by Gaudi. Great pictures!


Hi, I wandered in from another blog...
What gorgeous pictures! I have a 9 month old, and I'm sure you'll look back on this trip with fond memories! I wish I would have taken a trip with my husband while I was pregnant :)
Take care!


Thank you and merci!

Gen, this is probably too late but I wouldn't recommend Boso Hanto for the end of summer- like most coastal areas of Japan it gets inundated with jellyfish. Shimoda is your best bet- it stays warm and jellyfish-free through September.

Joe, these are not Japanese style sandcastles, but the "glorp castles" that my dad taught me. Never seen anyone else make them that way!

Carla in Japan

I live in Tateyama and have been swimming at Hojo and Chikura. I really enjoy living here and have been meaning to get to Okinoshima.
Also I have been dying to know what the Tokyo Wan Kannon - Tokyo Bay Bodhisattva was every time I see it from the train so glad to finally know what it's called. Thanks :)

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